Hello and welcome to The Cooking Project. This summer, this site will start fresh with a slightly new mission statement. I want to turn The Cooking Project Magazine into a blog for people who find themselves cooking to share the interesting recipes they’ve invented. I just started cooking a little over a year ago, and it has grown into a complete obsession that I’m able to practice and improve everyday because, no matter what, I have to eat. I’ll begin this blog by posting one of my simple recipes that grew out of pure trial and error, and I hope to read about similar recipes from all of you.
So, how it’s going to work: send your recipes to me using the “Send a Recipe” page. Include accompanying stories for context and pictures of the food. Also, articles about food from international travels, or restaurant reviews would be fun. I’ll format them and post them to the site. Soon, we will have an archive of original cooking ideas.
Anna Reeser